Under the same sky, at different places. "Tau tak kenapa bulan ni cool sangat?" "Nope. Kenapa?" "Cuba tengok bulan sekarang. Now, now, now." "Dah. Ada apa?" "I'm looking at the moon too, and kita bukan dekat tempat sama pun. Coolkan?" Inevitable wandering, people come and go. "Tunggu, jangan pergi mana mana." "Sampai bila bila?" "Sampai bila bila." "Hai, apa khabar?" "Baik." "Em, busy eh, takpelah, talk to you later." "Sure" "Bye" It is cowardly but I am hiding because I am not good enough. "Sekarang ada dekat sini?" "Yup, tapi nak balik dah. Datanglah kalau sempat." "Takpelah. Have fun." "Oh, okay" I was born and I met you, And I have loved you to death, My cold heart that has been dyed blue, Even if you have left, I'm still here. Again tonight, underneath the blue ...