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23rd September 2012

I woke up late, too late actually. Showered really quick, ironed my clothes, grab my bag and rushed to go to Intec with Eja, Zue and Tiq. I purposely left my phones and my purse behind because we're going to get free foods because of the KI program. The program went well, and it was fun. At 12.30 pm, Zue and I planned to go back home during the break so that we can Solat at home. We took our food, said bye to Eja and walked home. It was really quiet because no one was around. There's no school and it was scorching hot so I think Section 17's residents preferred to stay at home. Zue and I walked and talked happily and in the middle of our walk, we can hear the sound of Azan, loud and clear.

Suddenly, I felt like someone pushed/hit me on my back. I was a bit shocked and shouted "Oi! apa benda ni?!" when I saw two guys on a bike passed by me. Okay, not shout, more like talking with a loud voice. I dont know, it was really fast. Zue was shocked, we were a bit dumbfounded about what just happened. It took us quite a few seconds to think logically and only then I realized that someone had just tried to snatch my bag ! The guys ran away and we were really scared. Zue was  telling me to relax but she was super shaken by that. Luckily me and my bag were safe. We walked really fast to go back home and tweeted about what happened so that people would take note and be extra careful around that area.

At home, Zue and I talked about what we should have done, like taking down the plate number. But of course, everything was too late already. We prayed after that, and ate our lunch because we were too hungry after what happened. The road to the faculty felt like it was really far and we were both clutching to our bags as if the bags were our precious baby. Our ears were super alert and we kept looking behind while walking. 

We almost reached Intec's gate when we heard people shouting and then we saw people running and chasing a motorcycle. Someone bag's got snatched. I don't know what to do so I shouted "nombor plate ! nombor plate ! Call polis call polis !". Intec guards rushed outside to see what happened and then they took their motorcycle and chased the thieves. Most of the witnesses managed to get the plate number so in case if the thieves got away, police can use the plate number to track down the thieves. And we also found out that the victim is my ex-classmate, Nad Noh. 

I dont know how to end this post. But I will share some tips on how to avoid and what can you do if you're in that situation.

1. Carry your bags towards the inside of the road. I walked with both of my hands holding food (a container and an apple) and my bag was towards the outside of the road. Stupid. Luckily his hand slipped. 
2. Walk facing the oncoming traffic. 
3. Be aware of your surrounding. We were very sure that the road was safe, and weren't even looking around. Not a wise move.
4. It is okay to assume that everybody is a snatch thief. 
5. Dont bring too much cash. Try to fit as much as you can in your pocket.
6. If anything happens (god forbid), shout. Let go of the bag or whatever you are carrying. Don't jeopardize your life for something else.
7. Take down the plate number, try as hard as you can to recognize all the details of the thief. Don't be panic. It is a bit too late at this point. And being panic will not help you at all.
8. Call the police. Make a police report quickly. 
9. Even if they didn't manage to take any of your belonging, just go and make the police report. I think it was partially my fault that my friend became a victim. I should have called the police earlier. I went to make the report at 1 am, even the police officer asked me what took me so long to make the report.
10. Pray to God so that this wont happen to you and everybody else.

I always assume that bad things only happen to people in the newspaper only. Its a bit shallow I know, but it is true. I hope this story will help you to be more alert and careful. Hope that everybody would be safe and sound and happy and will never encounter any bad things. I'm sorry if my English is bad. Yes, I know I am taking TESL. Till then, bye ! 

 *I dont want the thieves to google their plate number and end up here and the track my IP hahaha super paranoid*


Anonymous said…
Hello, very professional high level blog! thank you for sharing. Because of good writing, and I learned a lot, and I am glad to see such a beautiful thing. Sorry for my bad English. ?

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