We are in our favorite cafe, you sitting in front of me in our usual spot, beaming with happiness while chirping, telling me about this one big giant news that I am not sure what it is about. I was the one who asked you out, because I wanted to "catch up" but now all I want to do is leave. But I put on my best listening face, even though I am not really listening, staring right into you but not really looking at you. "I don't really care" I say quietly under my breath "Um..what?" Your face shows that you're totally confused, and for some reason I am also shocked that the words managed to escape my mouth. But since I've opened the gate, I might as well continue. "I'm sorry but I don't really care. You don't have to tell me this" You wait for me to continue, probably giving me another chance to take back what I've just said. "It's a bit tiring, to be the only one listening. And I just don't...
where craps and hyperbole met