She looks at him playing with his phone, smiling and looking happy. It is the same smile that he gave her 5 years ago. A blissful smile, a smile as if he has everything in his hands, content. But now the smile is not for her anymore, it's for someone in his phone. She finds it amazing that someone who's not virtually there can make him as happy as that but she, who's sitting in front of him cant do the same. Moments like this will usually make her feel so small, like a mice in a dark alley. But not tonight. She has finally accepted that she has lost the ability to make him jump over the moon, and does not feel like doing it anymore.
But what about her? Is he still making her happy? Yes. Or maybe not. But he gives her the sense of familiarity. Sometimes, that 's all you need. It doesn't matter that she is no longer looking at the same person she fell in love with five years ago, she just wants him there. Most break ups hurt because it is hard to break a habit, not because you are falling out of love. Falling out of love is a process, it doesn't happen overnight.
She sips her coffee and takes a moment to taste the sourness of the coffee. After a while, she decides to break the silence.
"Why are you here" her voice croaks a bit due to not talking for so long
"What do you mean why I'm here? It's my house" he talks, but still not putting down his phone
"Why are you still in this relationship?" she takes another sip of her coffee
"Because you're my wife, because I am married to you"
"You cant even talk to me while looking at my face"
"I am doing something on my phone, cant you wait for a while"
"You're always on your phone, but you barely talk to me. Should I call you if I need to talk to you?"
"Well, maybe you should" he puts down his phone and gets ready to get up from his chair "I'm going out"
"Stop. let's just get this done and over with"
"Urgh what now, what do you want from me? Another bag? Another heart to heart talk?"
"If you don't want to be in this relationship, just let me go"
He sits down on his chair, studying her face. Is she having her PMS or is she for real? She doesn't even flinch when she suggests the divorce, she is for real. Marrying her was the ultimate plan, but now that they're both married, he doesn't know what to do. He can see the effort that she's making to spice up their relationship, but he feels like she is trying too hard and that kind of making her a bit of a turn off. But does he want a divorce? He's not sure. He clicks with Linda, his colleague better than with his wife, but is that enough to let her go?
"I'm not sure" He says "I love you, I know I do. But now that you've asked me this, I am pretty sure loving you is just not enough"
"You don't love me. You're stuck with me. I'm pretty sure you're only here because you cant leave"
"I do love you..."
"Then show it more, stop being a stranger when you're with me"
"I am not, it's just that you don't see that I am not the same person anymore, and you keep using your old ways to connect with me. It's been five years, I've grown. Just like you" He is surprised with the words that come out from his mouth, maybe that is what he's been feeling all these years.
"I would've known if you would tell me, but you never tell me anything"
"You know I hate talking about feelings and stuff"
"So, you would rather get drifted away? And reach this point? Well, if you don't prefer talking to me, maybe we should take some time off"
"You know most couples that take their time off end up splitting right? You told me so"
"I know. I'll pack my bags"