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There he is, sitting on the couch talking cock with his 'business partner'. He always tells me about his job, how he is making a lot of money and how he is busy bringing home the bacon, but I wonder why we keep eating the same things and why does he have to sell all my jewelries away. Well of course I know why, he was fired a few months ago (though he calls it an early retirement by choice) and the only way to make him feel better about himself is to talk crap about himself. He always calls me stupid but you don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

The truth is, I never think that I am stupid.Well at least not as stupid as he tells his friends and me. I used to work at my abusive uncle's farm before I got married to this asshole. I was the best butcher there and that's not something that everybody can do. I am also quite good at handling finances and this is the reason why we still have a roof on our head. But of course, according to Mr Asshole I couldn't handle the money because I am a girl therefore I am stupid and will spend all our money shopping things I don't need (says the person who bought an electric helicopter worth RM2999.90 and broke it on the first day). But in order to make sure that we still have a home, I would sneakily plant my plan to save money in his head and when he got it, I would tell him that I would never be that smart.

Living with this man is not that bad initially. I made the choice to marry him because it was a better option than living with my uncle. I would rather be a slave to a person rather than to one big family. Yeah, he is an orphan, I checked. When we first got married, I felt my first taste of freedom. Freedom can mean differently for different people. For me, the ability to have some short rest during the day and finally able to choose what or whether I get to eat is freedom. Though it wasn't something I imagine how my life would be, it was better than before. I actually have a reason to wait for tomorrow.

There are three reasons why he wanted to marry me, first, he needed a wife to take care of his needs, second, he needed a dumb wife and with no proper education, I am considered as one and the last one, it's because I never fight for anything. He saw me as someone who is submissive. After a while being his wife, I started to talk more and finally he saw more of me, but of course I wouldn't show him everything. I still need to live in this house because I have no where to go. If I piss him off, I would take extra care for the next few weeks in order not to piss him more. And that is the reason why I am still in this house, till now.

But the last two years had been hell for me, he started beating me up for no reason. It started when I found out that he was seeing someone else. I did not care at all personally, all I did was telling him that there's a pair of earrings in his pocket and he thought that I was being jealous and ridiculous. Up until now I still don't understand how he managed to come out with that conclusion, but I think it is because he watches too many soap operas. And since I cant undo time, I had to bear the consequences. At first it would be something light like a slap or two. And then he started punching me. And the most that he did was a few days ago, where he took a chair and beat me up. He broke the chair and cracked two of my rib bones. When the doctor asked what happened, he told him that I fell down the stairs.

I am 25 years old now and I have endured more than 18 years of abuse. I really cannot stand it anymore but I need to find a way out before I do anything drastic. I have some saving but that would only last me for a few days so I need to find more money. I've been looking on the internet on the things that I can do but it is not that much that can give me a lot of money. Unless I can sell my organ. There's a new thing now where people eat human body parts, sounds a lot like cannibalism but since they said it's for science, not many people are against it. A fresh organ can be sold up to RM250,000 and that is a lot of money. But I cant sell my organ, that is outrageous. But I did save the number of the person willing to buy organs, you know, just in case.

"Oi bodoh, what are you doing there? Why do you bother writing when there's no one to read it. Come be a good girl and suck my dick. The business call is taking longer than I intended but luckily the battery finish already" Urgh, what a prick. Since he heard it in a porn, he had been using that line forever. I wonder why are there people brave enough to be a jerk towards someone who serve food for them and someone who would put their dick in her mouth? But I still bend on my knees even though my ribs are killing me and I start wrapping my mouth around that stupid thing. It is disgusting but in order to help me go through with this I will continue talking to you in my mind.

And suddenly a pang on my face. My right ear is ringing.

"Why the fuck would you bite it you idiot?!" What should I do when you slapped me out of the blue? He starts to spew out more abusive words while holding my head to ensure I do not stop sucking his manhood. Oh the nerve. My ribs are hurting like crazy, my cheek burning from the slap and my head hurts from the hair pulling. I really cant stand this anymore. This maybe the adrenaline thinking but I will go for it. I push my head closer to his stomach, putting everything in my mouth. As he screams on the brink of orgasm, I bite it as hard as I can. And when my bottom teeth meet my upper teeth, I pull my head away. I spit it out and I look at him desperately searching for his dead phone to call 911. I take his penis and put it in a bag of ice, I search for the car key and I take my phone. Because I feel sorry for him, I call 911 and leave the place.

A man is free 
to limit his choice
A woman limits her choice
To free herself 

I have been limiting my choices for years, and I am going to continue doing it. My choices might be wrong to you, but I do it in order to free myself from my misery. I might end up in jail tomorrow but I do not regret this. But for now I only have one thing left to do.

"Yeah, who's this?"
"Please don't ask me anything, but I have a fresh penis for sale"
"I'll text you the address"


Nad said…

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