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Dah umur 24 baru dapat nasihat supaya "always keep your pants on" (edited version). I feel like I'm in a Hollywood movie/American series. Because that is as close as I can get to white people lol.

I do believe that sex ed is very important. It is better to be aware than regretting things later. It should cover from how the machinery works and what comes with it. Being hush hush about it will not get us anywhere. I don't have any formal education on sex ed before I'm fifteen. Good thing that my teacher was very open about it so we did learn some stuff out of the textbook. I touched a condom too during class. I literally touch and not hold it because there's lube all over it and it's kinda yucky. If you're going camping or on an adventure, stock up on condoms as they can be used as water bottles. They are small and light and don't take up much space. Dont worry about the lube or flavors people put it in their mouth all the time. In case you didn't know lah.

Eja and I once talked about making courses for kids to learn about sex ed. Because it is happening all around us and one day we're going to have children too. I would like my children to be well informed so that they can make decisions for themselves. I don't believe in putting them in the dark because the "naughtiest" kid are always with that kind of parents haha. It's not just some drama on kisah benar or mastika okay.

Alang alang cakap pasal ni, maybe I should give tips on how to avoid making mistakes on the internet. First, never ever ever send any nudes. But if you itchy butt still want to send it, send it with you leaning over a plain wall with no trace of your identity, and don't show your face. If you're significant other wanted to record you in action, kick the camera out of their hands. Or if you're feeling kinky, make up names and wear mask. Hahaha. But if you make the mistake of getting caught in the moment where they are recording you, take another chance to record them in action too. So if they threaten you to spread it around, you have an insurance to save yourself.

What about skype and ym? They can record you. So try as hard as you can to not show your face. Pretty sure at that point it's not that important that they can see your face. Hide your identity, hide you favorite teddy/painting/decorations. If anything happens, at least you know it wont haunt you.

So, what if you are into exposing yourself in public? Then it is up to you, but it might bite you one day so think thoroughly whether you really want to be the next Alvin Tan. Now he needs to constantly mocks Muslims and Islam in order to stay relevant. Do you want to be like that? Of course not. But if you still wanna do it, make sure you're getting paid hahaha alang alang menyeluk pekasam. Other thing to think about, what is in your phone, stays in your phone. Even after deleting it. If you've taken nudes before, just delete them straight away. You don't want to be in a situation where your phone is broken and you have to be all nervous about the man fixing it finding it in your memory card.

Whatever you do, just remember that bad people is everywhere. But all you need to do is take care of yourself. And remember, cyber crime is a real thing and if something bad happens to you, just go to the police and tell them. Don't be scared because it is not your fault someone cant help it to avoid sebarkan aib orang. Oh, and if you are underage, it is illegal to post dirty photos of you, even when you do it yourself. So just don't. Just keep everything in your pants and shirt.

That is all from me today. Hahaha okay byebye !


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