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Not me Not you

"If you ask me how can I see a true love, it would be the look on my face every time I see your beautiful self. If you ask me how can something so little makes a very big impact, I will tell you to see me at the lowest point of my life and how listening to your voice can make everything better. If you ask me how far can someone go because of love, you can be at the other side of the world and when you need me I will run to you as fast as I can. I know this is way too sudden but I believe what we have between us is real and I am ready to commit to this 110%" Amy looks at her bestfriend's face after uttering the words that she had been practicing for weeks. His face is as serious as ever.

"Say something.." Amy is desperate, she needs his answer now.

"So, you are going all the way to Korea, take a taxi to the company where TOP works, march inside and say all these ridiculous things? And then what? Assuming that nobody would stop you first at the door, because you're super important to the point that a building with top notch security would just let you in" He is always sarcastic. It is hard not to be sarcastic when you're friends with Amy because her reality works differently from others. And also because she's the only person who would understand your sarcasm and not make a big deal out of it.

"Well, you're not a romantic person, so you wouldn't understand the power of love. If a mother can lift a car to save her child who is trapped under it, I do believe I can get inside and see TOP and we're going to be married in six months. And you're not invited because you're annoying." Of course she knows it is a stupid idea, but it is worth a shot. She has just graduated and before she steps into the real world, she would like to have one reckless fun.

"Does Liz know this? Your big master plan?" Alan asks even though Liz is possibly the worst mother in the world. Once Amy was gone for a week and Liz only realized it after the cops came to their house. Yes, the cops went to her house to tell her that her child is missing.

"No, not really. But I told her that I am going to spend two weeks at your house, helping your mom with her baking thingy. And hey, stop calling her Liz. She's not your friend." Of course her mom does not care, but she feels like if she tells her mom a lie, it would make her more bad ass.

"And what if she calls my mother because she needs you?" Though Liz is not that good of a mother, his mom on the other hand is the model mother, the one who bakes and worries about her children. He doubts that she will lie for Amy, even though she loves Amy like her own child.

"I've sorted everything out. Sheesh I am already 23, do you think I will not think things through? She said she will do it for me, if I take you to Korea too, for safety or something. So I said okay. I've bought the tickets and everything. All you have to do is pack your bags and to Korea we go !" She talks as fast as she can, as she is excited to tell her bestfriend about how adult she can be, and also because she is scared because Alan does not know all her plans yet.

"Wait, hold up. What did you say? You said I'm coming with you? ME? Why cant you bring someone else? And how did you buy the ticket? You need my personal details. Ahh of course, you have memorized all my personal details. Wow. You really is something Amy. And when do you plan to tell me this? On the plane?" He is not angry, He is just surprised. When he thinks he had seen everything, Amy manages to do more surprising things.

"I was planning to tell you today. Because your mother told me you might need to do something with your passport. We're going next week. I know this is not a pleasant surprise, but think of it, sure we plan to be bestfriend till we're old. But do you really really think that's possible? I've never heard any stories about a girl and a boy who remain bestfriend till they're old,unless if they're married. Now you might sulk whenever I ask you to spend time with me, but one day we might wake up and find out that we haven't seen each other for fifteen years. And if that happens, I would like to make as many memories as I can with you so that after fifteen years, we would at least have something to talk about. I am not sure of what's going to happen next, you might be married and live in Bali with your hot wife, I might be in Korea with my husband and five kids. All we have is now. Or I have is now. But if you don't want this, it's okay. I cant force you" Amy walks away after finishing her little speech.

"You want to go to Korea that bad is it? You know I want to go with you right? Even without that sad speech which is a lie, because you don't have feelings and you don't function like a normal person. Come on now, let's go to my house and get my passport. Or let's not because you have it in your hand already. Okay, why am I not surprised?"


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