Hello, I am Patty hahahaha.
Quick update while I dry my hair before heading out to buy baju for tonight. Was planning to go wearing jubah suddenly saw everybody super semangat so i kiasu hahahaha. Also because I have Zana who also got pressured into buying new baju. Hahaha totally not the cool kids because old already still got peer pressure.
Good news, I am at my degree weight already ! Wohoo ! It might go up or down later but I don't care. I'm just happy to make progress. I ate so much I gained 10 kgs in 6 months hahaha so I am glad to lose all that. Not sure if I look thinner or not because I still hear people telling me I'm fat so I don't know. But all my clothes fit better now so I'll just enjoy it by myself lah. Haha lagipun it's my weight it shouldn't concern anybody right? Unless if you're planning to put me in a luggage and take me on the plane.
But even though happy with losing weight, my digestive system is going crazy right now. I might be eating less fiber (wuuu I haven't eaten vegetables for days) but last week I ate a lot of guavas ! So I should be making investment a lot right? But it's not happening haih. I drank butt load of water too but all I do is sweat it out and that's that. Yeah I've been sweating like crazy. It is a bit of a concern because this week I have been eating a lot. Haih.
Haha actually for me not pooping is not major news. Because when it is a daily business for everybody, Number 2 is like a public holiday for me. It rarely happens like maybe once a week but the past few months I've been pooping every morning but not anymore. I hope this wont be affecting my health in the future because I lost both grandfathers to stomach problems. Might need to go for a check up....when I'm 30. Hahaha.
After reading this, I hope you'd still think I'm attractive. Haha bye !