It's 3.48 a.m and I am still up because sleep is for the week yo. Haha no, not really. I am not sleeping because tomorrow I have to meet my supervisor for my thesis and I just emailed her my shitty work. I feel like changing my topic but I fear that it is too late now.
Speaking of my thesis, I hope that they wont abolish SBA/PBS because I like it and my thesis is based on SBA. If we are no longer using SBA, then what is the point of continuing this study and please I want to graduate.
Don't mind me, just fixing my tudung |
haha just kidding, that is totally not me. That is Imran, my brotha from my motha |
I hope everything will go as planned tomorrow. I ate fried chicken 2 days in a row so I am feeling very positive now. Bye beechezzz.