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Showing posts from November, 2012

Make or break

Beberapa hari/minggu yang lepas ada post pasal masa depan. Setelah banyak berfikir, dan doa banyak banyak, langkah pertama dah diambil. Sekarang tunggu kata putus je. Apa apa nanti cerita lain kali. Sementara ni semua orang doa banyak banyak supaya satu dunia aman dan semua orang dikurniakan yang terbaik oleh Allah. Ameen. By the way, ini ada cerita tak berapa nak best. Beberapa hari yang lalu, tengah nak pergi makan tiba tiba terkepit ibu jari tangan kanan dekat pintu. Sekarang asyik tunjuk gesture very good dekat semua orang sebab nak avoidjari terkena benda lain. Lepas tu kuku dah biru dan semua orang tak habis habis cakap "nanti tercabutlah kuku tu". That would be super gross. Tapi kalau tiba tiba tercabut kuku, nanti upload gambar dekat sini haha. Tangan kebas kebaslah menaip banyak banyak ni. Sampai sini jelah dulu. Bye semua :)


Growing up is not that fun really. I think a lot. But mostly about stuffs that are not really important like do babies have eyebrows or will there be a day where printers are attached to laptops. Imagine that one day your children might not know how to write because they use computers all the time. And do you know that printer's ink is more expensive than fuel for space shuttle? Back to the topic, now that I am 21 years old already, I always feel that I have not achieved enough. I'm not making any money, maybe a little, but still not enough to support myself. I haven't finished my degree and I haven't find the cure for cancer yet. I am not married and I don't have any children haih my poor kids are going to have super old mother while they are still young. There are days where I have to take a deep breath and calm myself down by realizing that it is not too late. It is only too late if I die. I have to sleep now because I have a test tomorrow. There might be...

Aku bukan tomboy

Baru lepas tengok cerita "Aku bukan tomboy" tadi. It was okay. Not too bad, cuma agak irritating sebab dia dubbing suara. Maka emosi suara dan muka kadang kadang lain sikit. Mahal ke nak beli mic dan guna suara masa berlakon tu? Kalau mahal sangat, ramai ramai kumpullah duit, lepas tu guna gilir gilir hahaha. Cerita tu macam tak ada ending, tapi harap harap dia dengan Shamsul tu. Shaheizy Sam tu ada banyak gila peluang nak cakap dekat perempuan tu, tapi bila perempuan tu dah ada lelaki lain baru mengada nak suka. Heh. Nampak sangat bukan jenis mengambil peluang. Esok ada test mandarin, atau lebih tepat lagi, 6 jam 4 minit lagi. Semoga saya tak sempat nak oral test. Ameen. Selamat malam semua !


I am very disgusting right now. I am sick and I have flu and I dont know what to do. I've been sneezing non-stop and yawning because I can't breathe properly. And without yawning I feel like I dont get enough oxygen. This is super not fun. Please take care of yourself people. And be very grateful that you guys are very healthy. Got to go, I have a presentation tomorrow. Lets hope that the gravity is not that strong tomorrow so that my mucus will just stay inside my nose during the presentation.