If you're reading this and you're not me, man, you must've been really bored. But say Hi when you're done because I gotta say thank you for reading. Especially since I am going to pour my heart out in this post. Haha. So, right now I am really scared, or terrified. I don't know. Pick the worst one. A few weeks ago, I was in a very bad place. So bad that I felt like dying most of the time. My body was aching all over to the point that my dad bought me some Salon Pas. You might think that that's normal, but I never complained about being sick, unless if I cant take it anymore. It was really bad until I did something that I am not sure whether I am ready or not, I quitted my job. I just couldn't handle it that I actually went and wrote my resignation letter on my phone. Was I being dramatic? Probably. Was I glad after sending my letter? Definitely. To be completely honest, I am so happy that I resigned. I have to work tomorrow, but my working blues ha...
where craps and hyperbole met