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Showing posts from March, 2018

it's 2018!

And we have no water at home. And I am sticky and smelly, urgh. Since I am here, might as well do a recap of my life haha. I got a job last year, last month was actually my work anniversary. Half of the time my job really sucks, like I can't even believe why I am still tolerating this shit, but half of the time I am learning something new and I get money every 7th of the month. Sometimes on the 8th because they don't think I need the money I guess. I love and hate my job passionately but I guess that's me just being an adult. Now that I am 27 years old, I realised that other 27 years olds are just bluffing, pretending that they know how to do things. Pretty sure they also just try anything and hope to God that it will work. Since January I've been wearing makeup, to make use of what I have. They're fun. Someone told me if  I keep it up some men will fall in love with me. I also have 7 people asking me when am I going to at least find someone. I guess dating is...