About a month ago (haha), Tiq and I went to Japan! We spent almost a year preparing for the trip and it was definitely the best trip I've had so far. But if you didn't know, two or three months after buying our flight tickets, we both quit our job and we had to save money for this trip. So for this blogpost, I'm going to tell you what I did (because I cant speak on behalf of Tiq) in order to survive and also save enough money for Japan! So, sometime in May I think, Tiq and I spent about RM950++ each to buy our flight tickets. At that time we were quite rich because we worked and don't really use our money that much. So after that, we focused on finding a cheap and comfortable accommodation. I tried looking for a hotel room but apparently the rate of a hotel room is super expensive especially for our currency. And to top it off, we started looking when our currency rate was so bad that I started to regret my impulsive decision just for a bit. And then I checked AirBn...
where craps and hyperbole met